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Going for a Walk

Success Stories Spotlight

Explore our Success Spotlight Nominations, a dedicated space for the stories of those who redefined their boundaries, surpassed their limitations and achieved remarkable success.


A chance to submit to our Success Stories Spotlight Wall is reserved to those who make a donation to our organization. Upon making a donation, you'll receive a link to submit a success story about your loved one.


Kelly used to be homeless in Skid Row and has been through many tough times. Despite his difficult upbringing and situations, he believed in himself. He remained sober throughout the years, never touching drugs even while living on the streets. He is now off the streets, has his own place, and is focused on taking care of his son as a single father.

Submitted by: Case Manager (Kaimore Team Member)

Maria Rodriguez

Maria's journey from homelessness to financial stability is nothing short of inspirational. I've seen her go from surviving on the sidewalks to thriving, thanks to Kaimore's game-changing programs. I watched Maria transform – from a newbie struggling with the basics to a confident booth boss in control. As the program wrapped up, Maria jumped into the NELAHOA network, diving into the hospitality sector for another two-month stint. Today, Maria's not just a success story; she's a living, breathing reminder that with grit, support, and the right breaks, you can flip your script.

Submitted by: Emily Rodriquez (Sister)

Mark Davis

Mark, once lost in addiction and homelessness, rewrote his story. With grit and support, he landed a steady job. Love fueled his transformation, and he and his partner now revel in permanent housing. Mark's triumph epitomizes the resilience within, proving that a new beginning is always possible.

Submitted by: David Chen (Friend)

Jake Doe

From the streets to success! Jake conquered addiction, homelessness, and landed a stable job. Now, with permanent housing, he and his girlfriend thrive in a life they once only dreamed of. #Inspiration

Submitted by: Sarah Johnson (Friend)

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